Sahara Meeting Pod creates an enclosed, tranquil space to work, meet, or collaborate.

Thanks to its acoustic dampening, it can be used to create a quiet collaborative workspace, free from distractions within an open plan office, or an area in which lively discussion can be held, whilst minimising disturbance to surrounding staff.

The flexibility of the Sahara Meeting Pod system enables the upholstered wall panels to be specified at a choice of two heights.

Lower heights can be used to delineate space, while taller heights create increased seclusion for the occupants.

To create shared service areas for printers and photocopiers, simply use Sahara to encircle equipment and deaden the sound.

Other products in the Mirage family include: Gobi Study Pod | Atacama Study Pod | Sonoran Work Pod | Colorado Meeting Pod | Karakum Meeting Pod.

MP11-25, MP10-30, MP12-50,